AISHO Hong Kong

Shop B, Po Hing Mansion, 2-8 Po Hing Fong,
Tai Ping Shan, Sheung Wan
Hong Kong


+852 66960940

Tue - Sat 11-6pm
Closed on Sun, Mon and Public Holiday


1F Daikanyama Hoshino Bldg.
26-9 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-Ku,
150-0033, Tokyo,


Tue - Sat 12-6pm
Closed on Sun, Mon and Public Holiday

  • Established in 2012 as AISHONANZUKA, currently AISHO Hong Kong, we are one of the oldest Japanese gallery based in Hong Kong. Our Tokyo location, AISHO Tokyo is established in 2024. Rooting in street art, our mission has consistently focused on introducing non-academic creative talents and artists outside the mainstream to the Hong Kong art scene. We aim to foster dialogue between diverse cultures and explore new markets within East Asia and the global context.

    As a pioneer in the industry, we works with a diverse array of important international artists, including Hajime Sorayama, Javier Calleja, Keiichi Tanaami, Yoon Hyup and more. In terms of promoting street art culture, we have introduced acclaimed artists including Cyril Kongo, Imon Boy, Joakim Ojanen, Julio Anaya Cabanding and more.

    AISHO is founded by Aisho Miura who has over a decade of experience in the Japanese art scene.We have actively participated in prestigious art fairs, including the Armory Show, Art Basel Hong Kong, Miami, and Basel, as well as Frieze London.

  • 成立於2012年,AISHO Hong Kong (前AISHONANZUKA) 是香港其中一間最歷史悠久的日本畫廊,並在2024年開設東京分部。我們紮根於街頭藝術,並志在將主流以外和非學院派的藝術家引入香港藝術界。我們旨在促進不同文化之間的交流,並探索東亞及全球背景下的新市場。

    作為行業的先驅,我們一直與各個國際知名的重要藝術家合作,包括空山基、哈維爾‧卡勒加、田名網敬一、尹協和更多其他藝術家。在推廣街頭藝術文化方面,我們引入了多位新晉藝術家,包括西里爾·孔戈、Imon Boy、喬金·奧賈寧、胡立歐·阿納亞·卡班丁等等。

    AISHO Hong Kong 是由日本畫廊 Aisho Miura Arts 和 Nanzuka Underground 攜手建立的畫廊品牌。 憑藉在日本藝術界耕耘十餘年的經驗,我們曾參展美國軍械庫展覽會、瑞士、美國和香港的巴塞爾藝術博覽會、以及英國斐列茲藝術博覽會等大型藝博會。