Djordje Ozbolt

Born in Serbia, 1967. Currently works and lives in London, UK.

Djordje Ozbolt is a significant figure for contemporary art scene, and represented Serbia at the 58th Venice Biennale, 2019. He studied architecture at the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, from 1988 – 1991 before moving to the UK where he attended a Foundation course at Chelsea School of Art in 1995. Ozbolt then did a BA in Fine Art at the Slade School of Fine Art, 1996 – 2000 and followed this with an MA in Painting at the Royal Academy, 2003 – 2006.

Ozbolt is known for his playful visual combination of history, memory and contemporary culture, regardless of the symbols’ original backgrounds. Found imagery, cartoon motifs, kitsch and artistic references are the unifying aspects of his work. By breaking down the established culture symbols and values, and through his humorous and witty presentation, Ozbolt’s works are considered as an icon, predicting our uncertain future in the end of this multiculturalism.

He participated in exhibitions including : “Sing me a Song” (Herald St, London, 2021); Regaining Memory Loss, Serbian Pavilion, 58th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, Venice (2019); Belgrade Biennale, Belgrade (2018); Brave New World, Hauser & Wirth Somerset, Bruton, (2017); For better or worse, Taro Nasu, Tokyo (2017).

1967年出生於塞爾維亞。 現時生活及工作於英國倫敦。

Djordje Ozbolt 是當代藝術領域的重要人物之一,在2019年獲選為威尼斯雙年展的塞爾維亞代表。1988 – 1991年,他在貝爾格勒大學修讀建築系,並於1995年獲得切爾西藝術與設計學院的幫助移居英國。他於英國皇家藝術學院接受正統的油畫訓練,並於2006年完成其碩士學位。

這也是Ozbolt創作其中一個特色 ― 他的作品,特別是肖像畫帶有明顯的古典構圖和傳統技法基礎,但同時也混搭了各種現代資本主義符號,創造出充滿超現實主義魔力的畫面。Ozbolt 以其將文化、 歷史或宗教元素結合到作品中的獨特方式而聞名,解構了既定的文化和價值觀,通過他幽默風趣的呈現,我們看到了在多元文化的終結中不確定的未來。無論是單純欣賞畫面的趣味性,還是構讀其中的符號,觀者都必定會沉迷其中。

藝術家曾參與展覽包括:「Sing me a Song」( Herald St,倫敦,2021);塞爾維亞展館「Regaining Memory Loss」(第五十八屆威尼斯雙 年展,威尼斯,2019);貝爾格萊德雙年展, 2018;「Brave New World」( 豪瑟沃斯畫廊,薩默塞特郡,2017);「For better or worse」(Taro Nasu,東京,2017)等等。


  • 2024
    Interstellar Traveler to Home (two-person) | Each Modern | Taipei, Taiwan

    Djordje Ozbolt and Kazuma Koike (two-person) | AISHONANZUKA | Hong Kong

    Sing me a Song | Herald St/Museum St | London, UK
    Sing me a Song | Taro Nasu | Tokyo, Japan

    Solo show | Phillips | Tokyo, Japan

    Greetings From A Far Away | Gallery Baton | Seoul, Korea
    Regaining Memory Loss, Serbian Pavilion, 58th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia | Venice, Italy

    Brave New World | Hauser & Wirth Somerset | Bruton, UK
    For better or worse | Taro Nasu | Tokyo, Japan
    Lost and Found | Gallery Baton | Seoul, Korea

    The Grand Detour | The Holburne Museum | Bath, UK
    Mars in Capricorn | Herald St | London, UK

    More Paintings About Poets and Food | Hauser & Wirth | New York, USA

    Mens sana in corpore sano | Herald St | London, UK
    Djordje Ozbolt | Taro Nasu | Tokyo, Japan

    Who Say Jah No Dread | Hauser & Wirth | Zurich, Switzerland

    Same, Same but Different | Taro Nasu | Tokyo, Japan

    Solo show | Herald St | London, UK
    Solo show | Galerie Rudiger Schottle | Munich, Germany

    Tell them I said something | Hauser & Wirth | Zurich, Switzerland
    Solo show | 303 Gallery | New York, USA

    Solo show | Taro Nasu, Tokyo, Japan
    Solo show | Herald St | London, UK

    Solo show | 303 Gallery | New York, USA
    Solo show | Nyehaus | New York, USA

    Solo show | Taro Nasu | Tokyo, Japan

    Solo show | Monica De Cardenas | Milano, Italy
    Wanderings of a Pilgrim in Search of the Picturesque | Herald St | London, UK

    New Paintings | Ibid Projects | Vilnius, Lithuania

  • 2021
    Tiger in a Tropical Storm | Louise Alexander Gallery, AF Projects | Porto Cervo, Italy

    Via dell’Inferno | Herald St at Galleria Spazia | Bologna, Italy
    Group show | Eugster II Belgrade | Belgrade, Serbia
    Where is the Madness You Promised Me: Dystopian Paintings from the Marc and Livia Straus Family | Hudson Valley MOCA | New York, USA

    Belgrade Biennale | Belgrade, Serbia

    Summer Show | Carl Kostyál | Stockholm, Sweden
    Steps to Aeration, curated by Sarah McCrory | Tanya Leighton | Berlin, Germany
    Neither | Mendes Wood DM | Brussels, Belgium

    Fobofilia | Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo | Turin, Italy
    Love: The First of the 7 Virtues | Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art | Peekskill, USA

    Live and Let Die | Modern Art | London, UK

    UndeREALism, à cent mètres du centre du monde | Centre d'Art Contemporain | Perpignan, France
    Beasts of England, Beasts of Ireland | Visual: Centre for Contemporary Art | Carlow, Ireland

    The Allure of the Collection | National Museum of Art | Osaka, Japan
    Figure Studies: Recent Representational Works on Paper, curated by Domonic Molon | Contemporary Art Museum | St. Louis, USA
    Under Realism | Centre Culturel de Serbie | Paris, France
    Bush of Ghosts | Cherry and Martin | Los Angeles, USA

    beholder | Talbot Rice Gallery, University of Edinburgh | Edinburgh, UK

    Djordje Ozbolt and Albuquerque Mendes, curated by Nuno Centeno | Herald St/Taro Nasu | Tokyo, Japan
    The Library of Babel/In and Out of Place | Zabludowicz Collection | London, UK

    Directions | A Palazzo Gallery | Brescia, Italy

    Djordje Ozbolt and Peter Coffin | Herald St | London, UK
    5000 Years of Modern Art – Painting, Smoking, Eating | Villa Merkel | Esslingen, Germany

    Meetings with Remarkable Men | Jack Hanley | San Francisco, USA
    Prague Biennale | Prague, Czech Republic
    Old School | Zwirner & Wirth | New York, USA
    Old School | Hauser Wirth & Colnaghi | London, UK
    Salon Nouveau, curated by Jasper Sharp | Engholm Engelhorn Galerie | Vienna, Austria

    The Wanderings of a Pilgrim in Search of the Picturesque | Herald St | London, UK
    A Broken Arm | 303 Gallery | New York, USA
    I Love My Country but I think we Should start Seeing other People | Jack Hanley | San Francisco, USA
    Group show | Galerie Rudiger Schottle | Munich, Germany
    Timesharing | Jocelyn Wolff | Paris, France
    Tate Trienniale, curated by Beatrix Ruf | Tate Britain | London, UK

    London in Zurich | Hauser & Wirth | Zurich, Switzerland
    Pablo Bronstein, Cary Kwok, Djordje Ozbolt | Liste 05 | Basel, Switzerland
    Herald St & The Modern Institute present | Gavin Brown’s Enterprise | New York, USA
    Other People’s Projects | White Columns | New York, USA

    Zoo Art Fair | Millers Terrace Stand | London, UK
    Esoterick | IBID Projects | London, UK

    Gatsby | New Lansdowne Club | London, UK

    Atelier Something | Springfield House | London, UK

    Group show | BBC Broadcasting House | London, UK

    Honesty is the Best Policy | The A Gallery | London, UK
    Slade Show | J Walter Thomson | London, UK

    Suspect Strategies | Pearson Gallery UCL | London, UK