Giraffe Leung 梁洛熙

Born in 1993, Hong Kong

Giraffe Leung Lok Hei holds a Master’s degree in Fine Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His artistic practice is deeply rooted in the exploration of local Hong Kong culture, architecture, and urban development. The artist's subtle observations of everyday life in Hong Kong and reflections on "normalcy" render his work an experience that invites the audience to rethink their personal identity and imagination towards Hong Kong. Leung’s flexible use of various media, combined with his emotional projections, creates a distinct artistic language. By employing a range of materials, his works navigate the ambiguity between the seen and the unseen, guiding the audience to re-experience aspects of society that should be recognized yet are often taken for granted and overlooked.

His most significant series, "Coins — Memories of Hong Kong," prominently features Hong Kong coins. By employing various chemical techniques to alter the coins' surfaces, Leung creates evocative representations of both currently exists and lost scenes from Hong Kong. This body of work not only reflects his personal memories of his home city but also addresses the broader theme of the inevitable evolution of urban identity. Utilizing tens of thousands of coins as a fundamental component of his visual narrative, Leung underscores the intricate relationship between his art and the socio-cultural shifts occurring in Hong Kong.

In recent years, the artist has continued to use everyday found objects as a medium for creation, responding to the absurdities of society through art in the rapidly changing and unsettling daily life. In documenting the abnormalities of the present, Leung brings art to the streets, encouraging the public to reflect on the power dynamics between their surroundings and bodily politics.



藝術家名為《錢幣 - 香港回憶》系列以港元硬幣創作,透過使用化學藥水使硬幣加速氧化及變色,從而使部分硬幣生銹變黑,拼湊出香港多個依舊存在或已消失的地標, 梁氏不單是在回應自身對香港的回憶,亦同時在回應城中那無可避免的變化。他在作品中使用大量的硬幣創作彷如畫布,使其融合在作品中成為不可分離的視覺元素,以此回應香港的社會環境及身分認同所面臨的衝擊和轉變。



  • 2022
    What the hell am I looking at? | PMQ | Hong Kong

    Solo Exhibition | La Galerie Paris 1839 | Hong Kong

    Selected Works of Giraffe, Leung Lok Hei, Part 1 : 2019-2020 | Parallel Space | Hong Kong

    Dual Solo Exhibition:Coins – Memories of Hong Kong | La Galerie Paris 1839 | Hong Kong

    Love Hong Kong 2018 | Design Gallery, HKCEC | Hong Kong

  • 2024
    Transmutation | Parallel Space | Hong Kong
    Those off-duty gazes | Gallery Exit | Hong Kong
    Painted in Hong Kong | Enlighten Gallery | Taipei
    A Preface to Magnificence | L1 Gallery, JCCAC | Hong Kong

    Remapping Reality | Contemporary by Angel Li | Hong Kong
    JCCAC 15th Anniversary Exhibition – I’m here! | JCCAC | Hong Kong
    THIS THIS | Odds and Ends Gallery, PMQ | Hong Kong
    CUHK 60th Anniversary Alumni Art Exhibition - “Where Great Minds Shine” | M+Arts Pavilion | Hong Kong
    Elimination Zone | a.m. space | Hong Kong
    La Galerie Paris 1839 Collection exhibtion | La Galerie Paris 1839 | Hong Kong

    Fade Away Hong Kong, Now and Ever | a.m. space | Hong Kong
    The 24901-mile-wide Red Line | Bloc Projects | Sheffield, United Kingdom
    Diaspora - Hong Kong Nationhood Exhibition | Lewisham Art House | Hong Kong

    ReDUX 3rd anniversary special exhibition | Parallel Space | Hong Kong
    “eight∞n” – Master of Arts in Fine Arts Graduation Show | Gallery I, Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong
    Exhibition: Future of the Past | Contemporary by Angel Li | Hong Kong
    What's Next contemporary art exhibition | WOMAN BOSS | Hong Kong
    “Mobil・gue” - Group Exhibition of Projects by CUHK MA Fine Arts Students | Hong Kong
    It should be coming - Joint art exhibition | Gallery L1, JCCAC | Hong Kong

  • 2021
    TongLau Space Cultural and Artistic Award