Ron DeFelice
Off the Beaten Path
4 Oct - 2 Nov, 2024
AISHO Hong Kong is honoured to announce “Off the Beaten Path”, Ron DeFelice’s first solo exhibition in Asia, celebrating the opening of our new space at Po Hing Fong, Sheung Wan! The show is on view from 4 October to 2 November, 2024.
Comprising a small suite of bronze sculpture and a series of canvas works, this exhibition remarks the US artist’s return after three years since his last show in the gallery. Ron’s artistic career is highly influenced by his working experience in the animation industry. Starting out as an illustrator and eventually transitioning into the Animation Industry in 1997, where he worked with Disney Feature Animation. As a traditional Background Painter/ Development Artist, he worked on various film productions, including Mulan, Lilo & Stitch, and Brother Bear. In 2004, his CG Animation career began as a Color Designer/ Visual Development Artist for Blue Sky Studios where he worked on eleven different film productions including the Ice Age and RIO franchises. The cartoon characters that appear in the artist’s artworks have had a great impact and a significant influence to his career.
Inspired by those iconic cartoons characters, along with his reverence of nature, the artist conceived the idea to produce a whimsical world on canvas. DeFelice uses plein air field studies, clay sculptures and studio painting to build a stage for his characters in these natural environments. Lighting, color and composition are further enhanced through digital design, infused his paintings with nostalgia and fantasy. Sculpture, photography and painting are combined to bring his contemporary surrealist landscapes to fruition.
AISHO Hong Kong 很榮幸地宣布為慶祝位於上環普慶坊的新空間正式開幕,我們將帶來Ron DeFelice 在亞洲的首個個人展覽「人跡罕至之處」!展期為2024年10月4日至11月2日。
本次展覽將展出一系列全新的青銅雕塑和油畫作品,標誌著這位美國藝術家距離上次香港展出三年後的回歸。Ron 的藝術生涯及個人風格備受他從事動畫行業十多年的深刻影響。他曾作為一名傳統的背景畫家既視覺開發藝術家效力於迪士尼動畫,並參與了包括《花木蘭》、《史迪奇》和《熊弟》在內的各種電影製作。2004年,他開始了CG動畫創作生涯,成為藍天工作室的色彩設計師既視覺開發藝術家,並參與了包括《冰河世紀》和《里約大冒險》系列在內的十一部不同電影製作。藝術家的作品中出現的卡通角色對他的職業生涯產生了巨大及無可比擬的重要影響。