Christian Rex van Minnen | クリスチャン・レック・ヴァン・ミネン
Ron DeFelice | ロン・デフェリス
Satoshi Miyashita | 宮下サトシ
19 Jul - 17 Aug, 2024
1980年アメリカロードアイランド生まれ カルフォルニアを拠点に活動中
1958年アメリカコネチカット生まれ コネチカットを拠点に活動中
1992年東京生まれ 東京を拠点に活動中
AISHO Tokyo is pleased to announce new exhibition “INTERSECTIONS” at Tokyo Daikanyama, taking place from 19 Jul to 16 Aug, 2024.
The exhibition in Tokyo will feature works by three esteemed international artists: Christian Rex van Minnen (US), Ron DeFelice (US) and Satoshi Miyashita (Japan). A total around 10 amazing works, including new and exclusive works in Japan, will be included.
An intimate opening reception is scheduled for 19 Jul, 2024, and we would like to send a warm invitation to everyone whom are interested. We are anticipated to your attendance, and humbly request your ongoing encouragement and patronage.
Christian Rex Van Minnen
Born in Rhode Island, USA, 1980. Currently lives and works in CA, USA.
Christian Rex Van Minnen works in the United States and explores many different media and types of paintings. He uses the surreal and abstract to articulate his own art language re-enacting the traditional western oil painting in portraits and still-life.
He has exhibited throughout the US and internationally and was awarded an Artist-in-Residence at Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Aspen, CO .
Ron DeFelice
Born in 1958,lives and works in Connecticut, USA.Inspired by iconic cartoons over the years, along with his reverence of nature, the artist conceived the idea to produce a whimsical world on canvas. DeFelice uses ‘plein air’ field studies, clay sculptures and studio painting to create a stage for his characters in these natural environments. Lighting, color and composition through traditional and digital disciplines, help infuse his paintings with nostalgia and also bring his contemporary surrealist landscapes to fruition.
Satoshi Miyashita
Born in Tokyo Japan, 1992. Lives and works in Tokyo, Japan.
Miyashita has achieved a unique style of expression by incorporating the movement and color of cartoon animation, as well as pop culture, into the ceramics.In recent years, expressive techniques in ceramics have shown great expansion and diversity, and it can be said that Miyashita's works also have the power to expand the possibilities of ceramic expression.