Imon Boy | イモン ボーイ
Jordy Kerwick | ジョーディ カーウィック
Joakim Ojanen | ヨアキム オジャネン
Takeshi Masada | 政田武史

"Hello, I AM..."
"ハロー, アイ アム..."

14 Jun - 6 Jul, 2024

​この度、AISHO(アイショウ)では記念すべき第一回目の展覧会となる"Hello, I AM..."をきたる2024年6月14日から7月6日の期間で開催いたします。2012年にアイショウミウラアーツとして日本のスペースを閉じ海外(香港)にその拠点を移して以来、約12年ぶりの東京のスペースとなります。今後は香港のAISHONANZUKA(アイショウナンズカと東京のAISHO(アイショウ)2拠点を使いながら国内外のアーティストを発表してまいります。


​ディレクター 三浦愛正

AISHO Tokyo is pleased to announce our inaugural exhibition “Hello, I AM…” at our new space in Tokyo, taking place from June 14 to July 6, 2024.

Following the first debut as “AISHO Miura Arts” in 2012, and the subsequent relocation to Hong Kong, the gallery have made our first return to Tokyo after 12 years. Moving forward, we are excited to showcase more artists from both domestic and international backgrounds, leveraging the dual platforms of AISHONANZUKA in Hong Kong and AISHO in Tokyo.

The debut exhibition in Tokyo will feature works by four esteemed international artists: Imon Boy (Spain), Jordy Kerwick (France), Joakim Ojanen (Sweden), and Takeshi Masuda (Japan). A total of 14 amazing works, including new and exclusive works in Japan, will be included.

An intimate opening reception is scheduled for June 14, 2024, and we would like to send a warm invitation to everyone whom are interested. We are anticipated to your attendance, and humbly request your ongoing encouragement and patronage.

Director Aisho Miura