Mizuki Nakazawa 中澤瑞季

Mizuki Nakazawa, born in 1995 in Kanagawa Prefecture. After completing her doctoral studies in sculpture at the Tokyo University of the Arts in 2024, the artist is now based in Saitama. She has been focused on wood sculptures that explore the form of human. While wood serves as her primary medium, she adeptly incorporates materials closely associated with the body, such as artificial fur and fabric., thereby developing a distinctive artistic expression. In her recent works, she employs a cubist methodology that deconstructs and reconstructs two-dimensional narratives from multiple perspectives, visualizing the inherent uncertainties of global fairy tales, myths, and religious stories alongside the ambiguities of her abstract thoughts and emotions.

While Nakazawa's works may reflect the contemporary social structure — characterized by the fragmentary reconstruction of diverse narratives — they also encapsulate a rich and intricate human allure, expressed with both precision and rawness.

中澤瑞季は 1995 年神奈川県生まれ。2024 年東京藝術大学大学院博士後期課程彫刻研究領域修了後、現在は埼玉を拠点に活動しています。中澤はこれまで主に身体をモチーフとした木彫作品を制作してきました。木材が主な素材ですが、その他にも人工毛や生地など、身体に関わりの深い素材を巧みに組み合わせることで独自の表現を獲得しています。近年の作品ではその独自の表現技法に加え、二次元の物語をさまざまな角度から分解し再構築しながら三次元の彫刻に落とし込むキュビズムのような手法を使いながら世界の童話、神話や宗教などの物語が持つ不確実性と自身の抽象的な思考や感情のあいまいさを視覚化しています。



  • 2025
    “Once upon a Time” | AISHO Tokyo | Tokyo, Japan

    “宙へ向かう面と目” | GALLERY SICOH, Tokyo, Japan

    “彼方の園の模様” | GALLERY SICOH, Tokyo, Japan

  • 2025
    Hikarie Contemporary Art Eye vol.17 | Hikarie 8 | Tokyo, Japan

    ”Blue Period × ArtSticker vol.3” | Art Archive Paichu | Tokyo, Japan
    ”NAMERIKAWA ARTIST IN RESIDENCE” | 田中小学校旧本館 | Toyama, Japan
    “木と生きる” | Tokyo Midtown Hibiya | Tokyo, Japan

    “Tokyo University of the Arts Doctoral Program Final Exhibitions” | Tokyo University of the Arts | Tokyo, Japan
    “A-TOM ART AWARD 2023” | Courtyard Hiroo | Tokyo, Japan

    “top fermentation” | Tennozu Central Tower | Tokyo, Japan
    “Art Jungle” | Geidai Art Plaza | Tokyo University of the Arts | Tokyo, Japan
    “The 2nd Sculpture with the House” | Denchu Hirakushi House and Atelier | Tokyo, Japan
    “The 25th Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art” | Taro Okamoto Memorial Museum | Tokyo, Japan

    “Sculpture with the House” | Denchu Hirakushi House and Atelier | Tokyo, Japan

  • 2023
    A-TOM ART AWARD 2023 TOYAMA Prize | Japan

    The 3rd SICOH Prize | Japan
    The 22nd ART MEETS ARCHITECTURE COMPETITION (AAC) nomination | Japan
    The 25th Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art nomination | Japan

    Geidai Arts in Marunouchi 2021 (三菱地所賞) | Japan